i had an okay day today. it was a shaky Monday but i was able to stay sane.
my sleep schedule is so cooked. i went to bed at 1am last night because some things took longer than expected. let me not lie, i was distracted a lot too.
i still had to wake up early for lectures. thankfully, K and i got a shuttle that went straight to school. the driver used a different route which was faster and we were there in no time.
i had two lectures and i felt so sleepy throughout. i honestly don’t know how i made it through. and as expected, i had a migraine for most of the day, but as of right now (10:02pm), it’s pretty much nonexistent. W!
in other news, my friends looked so good todayyy. i really pray we remain friends till we graduate.
i went on a break from Snapchat… as someone who gets easily distracted, i definitely needed to do that. did i almost reinstall it earlier this evening? yes. did i give in? no. give me my flowers.
i don’t know how long i’ll be off for, but i know it’ll be worth it at the end.
“every thing that is and that will ever be excellent must take a seemingly inconveniencing amount of time” ~ Ifeoma Nwobu
i’m staying locked in this year! I’ve been showing up consistently, as far as my skills are concerned, and I will do everything in my power to keep it that way.
I’m making a conscious effort to write more this year, so you may see pieces like this where I just rant about my day. i really hope you tag along with me. byeee ❤️