I have a lot more responsibilities now than I did at the start of the year. A huge part of them includes instructions from God, and I know I can’t afford to take them lightly.
For someone who loves school so much, showing up has been difficult. I get to school later than I did in my first year of uni.
I’m the female Vice President of our teens’ church and the duties are a lot this year. It’s my last year there, and I want to make it count. I just wish others would bring the same level of dedication – it would make things so much easier.
I can’t talk about everything going on right now for privacy reasons.
I read Bechi’s Medium post a while ago, and she talked about how, even though the task before us may seem daunting or feel too heavy to bear, if God has called you to do it, He has already accounted for your weaknesses. If He has sent you, He will sustain you. You should definitely read the full piece here.
Saying yes to God’s call in times like this can be so difficult, but I’m comforted by the fact that I’ve been in similar – or even worse – situations before, and it all worked out well.
Around this time last week, the joint in my right elbow became stiff, and I could barely move it without crying. It got progressively worse as the days passed. I couldn’t even do most of my physical activities – even writing in class was a hassle.
It was traumatising because I had a similar experience about two years ago, so that added to the mental stress I was already under.
I didn’t talk to most of my friends about it. I’m not sure I even had the strength to do that. I only told Shinyuu and that was because we were having a conversation around the time it started.
Thankfully, I got some ‘extra’ medications to take care of it and it’s almost gone now. I still feel some strains around the joint from time to time, but I know it’ll be over soon.
I’ve had to stay off soda and sugary drinks for about a week now, and my resolve has improved. I’m proud of myself.
Time to face my problems head on.
If you see this, please pray for me.
I really need it.